Social Media or not

Since you won’t find me fasting meat, sweets or alcohol, my idea for letting go of something for Lent turned towards taking time of my phone and social media. On Ash Wednesday I stopped using Facebook, Messenger, Twitter, Instagram and general blogging – no visits, no posts, no reply. I also stopped playing online games….

2016 – a review attempt

The year of 2016 has gone and in the end I was taking a deep, prayer-like breath whenever a picture of a celebrity came up on my newsfeed for worry that another one had not made it through the year. On the whole I don’t think it was that great a year, with negative experiences…


I am not American but German and therefore we don’t have a special holiday for giving thanks (even though I wonder whether most Americans still know that this holiday is about more than turkey, football and Black Friday — just the same as I wonder whether most people in the Western world still know what…


Alright…after cleaning up and putting away I ended up with 34 pieces The marked difference, however, is in my closet, because these are those 30 pieces still in my wardrobe – the others are the 2 coats and hat and gloves.  The other part of my wardrobe now looks like this  And that IS a…


These 29 pieces are sort of my capsule wardrobe attempt for the rest of the month.  I have a feeling that they are my favourite pieces anyway, so it is more of a test, if that is true. I have to add 2 or 3 pairs of boots, because this is Moscow and winter is…

Riddle me this

Okay…so bullet journalling is a thing. And I like that thing. I’m not getting into all the prettiness and artsy-debate again, but one thing made me wonder. And yes…of course, to each their own and if it brings joy to people, then good for them. But let me vent for a bit here. I was…


That’s what I have done. I’ve made a decision and even though it might sound like I’m giving up on getting my shit together, I feel like I do anything but. I’ve decided to remove a few aspects of self-organization, self-control and what not from my life. When I try to make a list of…

Helpful reading

Something to keep reading and start applying it to life 10 easy steps could help too 🙂 Strategies Guide to Productivity Benefits

50 Days of Tidying-Up

I still haven’t done a post of KonMari-ing my kitchen, which I did — and finally all the stuff was picked up for donation. In any case, I’ve decided to do what the title says. A little goes a long way as they say. So, I’ll try to tidy up small things every day and…

KonMari the kitchen

the road to hell is paved with good intentions they say – and my kitchen is getting on my nerves, so I am decluttering. In parts. And for God’s sake…this is a single household!!! Yes, I love to cook and to eat – but really? Truely? This much stuff?

Taking stock – September 2016

It’s what needs to be done, people who are supposedly gurus in organising and productivity – so I’ll give it a try. Taking stock of my situation and what went well, what didn’t, what needs to be done and what got accomplished. So, here goes Body: – my body is not a temple, but a…

A fresh start

The new school year is exactly one school week old and I realize that I have been extremely lax on basically everything over the summer. Granted, I don’t regret it, because I was in desperate need to get away from basically everything. I’ve spent the summer doing little more than eating, drinking, sleeping, lying around…